What is RHA?
The Residence Hall Association, or RHA, is the premier student governing body representing on-campus students. RHA represents over 12,000 students living in high-rises, apartments, and suites owned by the University of Maryland. RHA has dual-purpose: to advocate for student ideas through its legislative assembly, the Senate, and to promote community building among residents via event programming.
RHA is overseen by the executive board, composed of an elected President and Vice President, along with several appointed officers. Hall and Area Councils independently devise community-specific events, and report to the executive board with frequent reports regarding council functioning.
RHA maintains relationships with fellow student government bodies on campus, including the Student Government Association (SGA) and the Graduate Student Government (GSG).

The Residence Hall Association consists of Hall/Area Councils, the Senate, and the Executive Board. Members of the Hall/Area Councils are elected by the residents in their building(s) to serve in various positions. Two or three of these positions are the Senators, who represent their hall when voting on various campus policy resolutions in the Tuesday night RHA Senates. The executive board, consisting of eight positions and four senators-at-large, oversees the RHA Senate and advises the hall/area councils when necessary.
We, the resident students of the University of Maryland, in order to give representative voice to our interests and concerns within the University community, do hereby form our Residence Hall Association...